This tutorial will teach how to Install Windows 10 OS from DigiRDP Client Panel_This tutorial will assume that you are already logged into the Client Area._

  • Firstly, In the client area, you have to click on your active services and select the service in which you want to Install window 10.

This takes you to the Service Page, where you will have to scroll down to the SERVER INFORMATION area. (Wait 5-15 Seconds panel will be loaded)


  • Now under the server information menu find "Install" and open it and then click on Reinstall OS.

  • Now, you have to click on Windows and select window 10 Version and do other configurations.

  • Now enter a new password for your new OS and click on Reinstall and you will get the message about a warning just click on OK.

(#Warning: Existing data on VPS will be lost permanently.)

  • Wait for confirmation it takes 1 Minute to Upto 10 Minutes and after successfully reinstall wait 2 Minutes and then log in.

All Done. you can now use your new OS.

*By default the  password for windows 10 OS of digirdp is -

password - GoGo1337

Thank You!

Team DigiRDP







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