
DigiRDP offers a seamless platform for managing your remote desktop services, and part of this experience includes the ability to effortlessly handle your payment methods. Whether you want to add a new payment option, remove an outdated one, or simply manage your existing methods, DigiRDP's client area makes the process a breeze. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to effectively manage your payment methods within the DigiRDP client area.

Adding a New Payment Method:

Step 1: Log in to Your DigiRDP Client Area - Navigate to the DigiRDP website and locate the "Client Login" option. Enter your credentials to access your client area.

Step 2: Access Payment Methods - Once logged in look for the "Billing" section and click "Payment methods" link. In this area, you'll find a list of your current payment methods and options to manage them.

Step 3: Add a Payment Method - Click on the "Add New Credit Card" button and in the next page it will ask you the relevant information in order to save the payment info.

Step 4: Enter Payment Details - Follow the prompts to input the necessary details for your payment method. This will include card information and other relevant information.

Step 5: Verification and Confirmation - Complete any verification steps required by your chosen payment method. Once verified, confirm the addition of the new payment method.


Removing an Existing Payment Method:

Step 1: Access Payment Methods - Follow Steps 1 and 2 from the "Adding a New Payment Method" section to reach the list of your current payment methods.

Step 2: Remove Payment Method - Identify the payment method you wish to remove and click on the "Delete" option next to it.

Step 3: Confirmation - A confirmation prompt will appear. Confirm the removal of the payment method. Please note that this action is irreversible, so ensure you're removing the correct method.


Managing Payment Methods:

Step 1: Access Payment Methods - Repeat Steps 1 and 2 from the previous sections to access the list of payment methods.

Step 2: Edit Payment Method - Find the payment method you wish to modify and select the "Edit" option. Here, you can update payment details, change preferences, or make adjustments as needed.

Step 3: Save Changes - After making the necessary modifications, confirm your changes and save the updated payment method details.

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