Cloud Hosting

Debunking Myths and Revealing Facts About Hosting Server Providers

So you have developed a pretty cool website, now the next step is to connect with a reliable hosting server provider to reach out to your audience. In the rapidly evolving landscape of web hosting, there are many myths and misconceptions that can confuse both newbies and seasoned professionals. These myths often stem from outdated information, misunderstandings, or simply misinformation. But with a reliable web hosting provider like DigiRDP, you can easily tackle these myths. In this blog post, we'll debunk some common myths and reveal the facts about hosting server providers, helping you make more informed decisions for your website or application needs.

Myth: All hosting server providers are the same

Fact: Hosting server providers vary greatly in terms of services, performance, reliability, and support. It's important to research and choose a provider that aligns with your specific needs and requirements. Factors to consider include server types (shared, VPS, dedicated, cloud), scalability options, uptime guarantees, customer support quality, and pricing.

For example, DigiRDP offers hosting services in almost 15+ locations worldwide but not every provider can have such geographical outreach. Apart from that, we have reliable 24*7 customer support. You should consider each aspect of the hosting service provider before choosing any of them.

Myth: Shared hosting is always the best and cheapest option.

Fact: While shared hosting is a cost-effective option for small websites with low traffic, it may not be suitable for larger websites or those requiring more resources. Shared hosting means your website shares resources with other websites on the same server, which can lead to performance issues if other sites experience high traffic or resource usage. VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting offers more control and resources, while dedicated hosting provides a dedicated server for your exclusive use. If you want cost-effective yet reliable hosting solutions, DigiRDP is your go-to option.

Myth: Free hosting is a great way to save money.

Fact: While free hosting may seem like a cost-effective option, it often comes with limitations such as ads on your website, limited storage and bandwidth, and lack of customer support. Free hosting providers may also have slower servers and less reliable uptime compared to paid hosting services. It's usually worth investing in a paid hosting plan for better performance, support, and reliability.

Myth: Unlimited bandwidth means you can use as much as you want.

Fact: Hosting providers offering "unlimited" bandwidth often have fair usage policies in place to prevent abuse. While you may not face overage charges for exceeding a certain amount of bandwidth, your provider may throttle your speed or suspend your account if you consistently use excessive resources. It's important to read the terms of service and understand the limitations of your hosting plan.

Myth: All hosting server providers offer 24/7 customer support.

Fact: Almost every hosting server providers advertise 24/7 customer support, the quality and responsiveness of support can vary. Some providers offer excellent support with quick response times, while others may have slower or less helpful support. It's a good idea to research customer reviews and support policies before choosing a hosting provider.

Myth: More expensive hosting is always better.

Fact: Price is indeed an indicator of quality, it's not always the case with hosting providers. Some expensive hosting plans may offer features and resources that you don't need, leading to unnecessary costs. On the other hand, some affordable hosting server providers offer excellent performance, reliability, and support. It's important to compare features, performance, and customer reviews when choosing a hosting provider, rather than solely relying on price.

Myth: You need technical expertise to manage a hosting server.

Fact: While managing a hosting server does require some technical knowledge, many hosting providers like DigiRDP offer user-friendly control panels and management tools that make it easy for beginners to manage their websites. Additionally, many hosting providers offer managed services where they take care of server maintenance and updates for you, allowing you to focus on your website or application.

Myth: Switching hosting providers is difficult and time-consuming.

Fact: Most hosting providers offer migration services or tools that can help you transfer your website and data to a new server. Additionally, many providers offer money-back guarantees or trial periods, allowing you to test their services before committing long-term.

Myth: Only Large Hosting Companies Offer Reliable Services

Fact: Although prominent hosting companies may have extensive resources and brand recognition, the size of the provider doesn't always correlate with service quality or reliability. Smaller hosting companies or niche providers often specialize in catering to specific industries, technologies, or customer segments, offering personalized support, competitive pricing, and innovative solutions.

When evaluating hosting server providers, consider factors beyond their size, such as infrastructure, data center locations, server technologies, and technical expertise. Reading customer reviews, seeking recommendations from peers, and testing the provider's support responsiveness can provide valuable insights into their reliability and suitability for your needs.

Myth: Renewal Prices Will Remain the Same as Initial Deals

Fact: Many hosting server providers lure customers with attractive introductory offers or discounted rates for the initial billing cycle. However, it's essential to recognize that these promotional prices typically apply only to the first term of service, such as the first month or year.

Upon renewal, the hosting provider may revert to regular pricing, which can be significantly higher than the initial deal. To avoid unexpected cost increases, carefully review the provider's pricing structure, renewal terms, and any applicable discounts or promotions. Additionally, consider opting for longer billing cycles or seeking promotional codes to maximize savings and mitigate renewal price shocks.

By debunking common myths and understanding the facts, you can make informed decisions that align with your hosting needs. Whether you're looking for affordable hosting for a small website or managed hosting for a growing business, DigiRDP has tailored solutions to your requirements. Don’t believe in myths anymore, get in touch with us today!

Mansi Rana

Our Plans

There are several plans which includes Windows RDP, Cloud VPS and Dedicated servers which will make the deployement of your application more easier

234 +
Windows RDP Plans
104 +
Cloud VPS Plans
59 +
Dedicated Server Plans
114 +
Private RDP Plans


Their Service is at Top Notch . And the best thing about them which i liked the most is the renewal of rdp's they offer you a 24*7 service.

Their Service is at Top Notch
Software Engineer

Quick support, great vps and great pricing , i am using it from past 6 months and still no complaints.

Quick support
Software Engineer

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Not Only Is Their RDP Great But Their Customer Service Is Outstanding.
Software Engineer

Great service. Instant RDP delivery even if they say 4-5hrs. upload is Rocket up to 1 Gbps Internet Speed, and Excellent support if you have any problem. they will help you for sure..

Moustafa M. Excellent service
Software Engineer

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